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Friday, January 01, 2010



I'm in. I don't have many UFOs, but several of them are quite old, and need to be Finished or Frogged!


I'm looking forward to participating in the group in 2010! Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! When I get all my stuff back, I will be finishing or froggig more. It seems hard to believe - but at the moment, I only have three projects on the go (apart from the ones in the sea freight).

kathy b

I really enjoy the Group on Rave. I love to see what people are doing. You have done a remarkable job as the Group Leader Jennifer.


Happy New Year! Good Luck with all your NY resolutions :) I've given up on making them as I am not very good at keeping them. Just looking forward and hoping for the best!!

happy knitting :)

Carol King

Love reading your blog posts but you use more TLAs (three letter acronyms) than anyone I know. :)

You have inspired me to knit more in the upcoming year and I already have some other projects lined up.

2010 started off with my home phone not working, I dropped a stitch in my current project and can't find it for the life of me, I've already broken my new year's resolution to eat better and then my computer went berserk.

All seems to be settled down on the electronic front so maybe I'll send out a search party for that missing stitch.

Now, what is a UFO and an FO?

Happy 2010 to you, the BFF and your boys.

Wool Winder

Happy New Year!

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