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Monday, December 06, 2010



The blanket is cute, but I am really admiring the sweater. What is the source for that pattern? I'd love to try that pattern.


Love the pattern! Also, the doll is wearing a very stylish sweater. Yours?

kathy b

SO cute. Might have to make it for my sister in a big girl version


I'm not able to download the .pdf file, as it appears to be damaged.

Karen Jakubowski

The entry I wanted to comment on is closed. The helpful pictures and instructions for attaching the wallaby sleeves from September of 2009. I was desperate and googled for help and your blog appeared. Thank you so much! I would have had to spend a half a days time to find the nearest knitter for help. I think I should keep your blog bookmarked.


Thank you for the blanket pattern. I'm going to make one for each of my girls.

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