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Sunday, September 14, 2014



Can't Wait for the pattern! Soo excited!
It looks like you did a fantastic job.


So awesome! Excited to see the pattern too! Thank you for b figuring it out! :)


This is wonderful! Can't wait to see your pattern!

I enjoy reading your commentary about the show as well. Your recent comment about not wanting to watch the re-runs of this past show are the exact same ones of my SIL. She is visiting for the week and has been watching every episode at least 3 times! But, not this time, she said she could do w/o watching the blood and gore again. We are both looking forward to next week....and hoping that there is no more "gore" on the menu next week ;-)....however, we are sad that this first series will be ending soon!


I have loved this shawl since I first saw it. Can't wait to see your pattern!!




Fabulous! Great work! And I won't be re watching episode six many times either. Probably once more before episode seven airs.


I love it! Last night's episode was intense. A bit too realistic, but we already knew that Black Jack Randall was not a very. Ice man, it was just difficult to see him portrayed in such a visceral manner.


I haven't seen the newest episode yet and now I'm scared. We'll watch it tonight.
You did a great job on the shawl!!

Rhonda Culbert

Oh I LOVE it!

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