So much fun. We had 30 people at the baby shower - 18 adults and 12 kids.
The first thing people saw when they walked in the house was the play teepee in front of the fireplace. I made this by cutting a semicircle out of a canvas drop cloth and then decorating it with triangles cut out of the fabric from Jenna's Pinterest page. I found a lambskin rug at Ikea and my niece Grace brought out her woodland animals to inhabit the teepee. I had my nephew Pierce use his mad Boy Scout knot tying skills to lash the teepee poles together.
Baby family - Jenna, Tila, Javi and Cain were the first to go through the dinner line. Guests of honor first!
After everyone ate, we played some silly games - Name the Baby Animal and Diaper Diagnosis - and both were lots of fun for everyone. It was entertaining to get the men in on the fun. One was even overheard saying "This is what you do at a baby shower?" Yup! That's correct.
We passed around a dozen plates with diapers numbered #1 through #12. You had to peek inside the diaper and guess what was inside. Each diaper had a mashed up chocolate candy bar of some sort. Many were easy guesses. Others were very challenging. Everyone laughed.
My sister-in-law made a baby quilt for her new grandchild. It's so cute!
They opened my woodland animal baby hats and many other gifts.
And I couldn't resist a set of Marine Corps dress blues - after all this baby's daddy, uncle and great aunt are all Marines.
It was a lot of fun and Tila wasn't the only one ready for bed. She curled up in the arm chair while the rest of us packed up, chatted and said our good-byes.
Such fun! We really can't wait to meet this new bundle of joy.