Here's the progress I've made on the Mets blanket
Marcia is making great progress on her cable baby blanket, too. She's much smarter than I am, though. She's using a mock cable that she describes in today's post. Mine is similar in that it's a P2, K4 pattern repeat, but I'm doing real cables every 4th row (as opposed to Marcia's pattern of every 6th row). I think I'll be knitting until this baby goes to college. BTW - the baby hasn't even been born yet.
My Mets Cable Baby Blanket got its inspiration from two places. First, BF and I had dinner at our friends' house. Our hostess Holly showed me a navy blue baby blanket that her mother made for her son. I think of it as "Cable Interruptus" as the pattern is similar to what you see above (garter stitch border followed by about six inches of cables). Then the switch happens. Holly's baby blanket had 6 inch strips of cables (as shown above) interrupted by a 6-inch strip of stockinette stitch. This pattern was repeated for the entire blanket.
I kid you not... the next Saturday after seeing Holly's baby blanket, Marcia came to SNL with the baby blue mock cable blanket. I couldn't believe it. I felt it was meant to be. I had to make one. I had already decided that I liked the navy blue (or other non-baby colors) and that I would make the next baby blanket out of a non-traditional color (navy blue, sage green, mustard, etc). Thus the Mets Cable Baby Blanket was born.
Oh... and that "ruffle" effect was not intentional. I know I should have cast on the edge with a smaller needle, but I wasn't thinking. When I use the garter stitch border on the other baby blankets I create, I don't have this problem and I never switch needle sizes. Now I realize that the cables really pull (and also use up a great deal more yarn) so that the bottom edge, and eventually the top edge, will look slightly gathered. C'est la vie!
Oh, and Illanna was nice enough to point out another knitting Mets fan. Who knew there were so many of us out there? Check out Kim's May 12th post where she displays her talent for creativity and knitting along with her enthusiasm for her favorite baseball team.