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Thursday, November 13, 2008



Merry Christmas! I think I'll start working on some of these for next Christmas! Maybe a pair to pin on a shirt or coat. Thank you and Happy New Year!


Thanks for the great patterns. Help could you please tell me of a good site to help with provisional cast on. Could you tell me what would happen if I only used one stran of yarn to felt? Would it just be smaller? Thanks


How tall are the stocking ornaments? they're so cute! and with 2 kids living in Boston now...well..those are perfect for them!


Oh thank you! I think I'll whip up a few!


YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!! when i say those that you had made i was drooling. My sister and her family are HUGE Mets Fans and I cant wait to make these for package tie ons! thank you So Very Much!


Thanks for the pattern! Go Red Sox!


Very cute :)


Its my goal to make a few extra "mini's" hats, mittens, stockings, and sweaters, until eventually they take over my tree.

Extra meaning aside from the ones that get "gifted" or the little brown mitten hanging from DH's mirror in the little red car, which he insists needs to stay there always!

...the tough guy got upset when I took it out for a day to put some stuffing in it!

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